Frequently asked questions

How to check geodata

After Login (How to register):

  1. Choose a specification
  2. Upload your geodata set(s):

    1. Folder-based data (ESRI Shape, MapInfo TAB, ...): Upload of one or more ZIP-archives. All data in one ZIP-Archive is considered one data set and result in one test run.
    2. File-based data (AutoCAD, MicroStation, ...): Upload of one or more files. One file is considered one data set and one test run.
  3. Review of the chosen parameters and start of the test run
  4. Results are listed in "Check Archive", last ones on the top, and include the download links for the error-report and, in case of errors, a drawing link.
axmann geoinformation

Modecenterstrasse 22
Top D59-61
1030 Vienna, Austria
P: +43 1 203 91 47